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Follow us on Twitter

Thu. 04. Jan 2018 09:25

So how do you keep up with a complex and ambitious project like ImpleMentAll? You follow us on Twitter! We tweet very often to let our followers know whats going on in the project, what we're thinking, and what we aim to achieve. This happens from our official account @EU_ImpleMentAll, but also from the many dedicated individuals and organisations participating in the project.

Follow e.g.:

@TracyFinch and @ChristiaanVis1 for updates on the research process;

@heleenriper, @HM_Christensen, and @CarlRMay for wise words on eMental health, implementation research, and more;

@ValentinaTageo and @jpieraj for news on the development of the ItFits-toolkit;

@EAAD_Research for dissemination of our results;

@aetzelmueller, @psikiatri, and @drDooz for news from the pilot sites.

If you have any questions or specific interest in our project, we'd love for you to reach out to us, either through Twitter or the contact page here on our website.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 733025.
This content reflects only the author's view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
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