
Theoretical background

Central to the ImpleMentAll project is the idea of normalisation. People work together and individually to embed new ways of working in existing practices. Embedding an innovation in routine practice is the product of action (the things people do). Normalization Process Theory (NPT) attempts to explain the work of implementation, embedding and integration with a focus on the contribution of individuals and groups.

Starting from the NPT, normalisation will be assessed repeatedly in ImpleMentAll to establish a measure of ‘implementation success’. This will be done by using a novel instrument NoMAD that is designed for measuring implementation processes and predicting their outcomes. This instrument strives to be informative in the evaluation and prediction of normalisation processes. It will be used in the tailoring and in determining the success of the various implementation strategies.

In further evaluation of the implementation processes and outcomes, a comprehensive evaluation framework will be developed in accordance with the validated Model for Assessment of Telemedicine applications (MAST). MAST provides a systematic and multidisciplinary assessment of the impact of eHealth services. This health technology assessment framework is founded on a broad view and analysis of the factors and areas to consider and account for when introducing and implementing eHealth in healthcare practice.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 733025.
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