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Webinar on past experiences that can further ImpleMentAll

Fri. 04. May 2018 14:18

Some of you might be familiar with the MasterMind project. It is a finished project, but because it focused on implementing eMental health initiatives across Europe, its themes and findings are closely tied to the ImpleMentAll project.

On March 16, a webinar was conducted. By using MasterMind as a starting point for discussion, the webinar touched upon strategies for effectively implementing health initiatives and possible complications during the process based on past experiences. This approach resulted in a highly relevant webinar for everyone interested in ImpleMentAll.

After a short presentation of MasterMind by Claus Duedal Pedersen, coordinator of MasterMind as well as ImpleMentAll, Chris Wright covered their experiences and learning points in relation to where MasterMind took them in terms of their implementation, then Modesto Sierra Callau from Spain explained how the project was conducted, and in conclusion, Christiaan Vis discussed how the experiences with implementation during the MasterMind project, can be used in the future, in particular when working with ImpleMentAll.

“As a direct consequence of MasterMind, our new mental health strategy in Scotland stipulates that cCBT should exist in all health board areas and be offered to all adults across Scotland,” says Chris Wright from Scotland making it clear that the MasterMind project has largely improved the mental health care sector in Scotland.

Other than becoming a part of national healthcare services around Europe, the MasterMind project also added a successful alternative to traditional treatment of mental health issues, Modesto Sierra Callau from Spain states; “There are more than 40% of the patients who are considered as successful patients because they have reached end of the program, or they do not show symptoms of depression after the last control for those patients who have made at least half of the program.”

Throughout the webinar, it was nicely tied together how MasterMind can be interpreted as a preceding step to ImpleMentAll. By discussing the details of MasterMind and afterwards applying them to ImpleMentAll, the presenters of the webinar effectively led the way for this interpretation in an easy and convincing manner.

During his part of the presentation, Christiaan Vis referred to Winston Churchill when stating;
“If you want to be perfect, or if you want to be able to improve stuff, then you need to change, and that is actually what we are doing with implementation.” With this statement, Christiaan Vis effectively demonstrates how important the work on ImpleMentAll is and how big an impact the project will have on the healthcare sectors throughout the world, suggesting that, as a result, they will improve and maybe even be perfected.

If you are interested in listening to the webinar, it can be found here.

If you have any experiences or anecdotes about working with implementation in the healthcare sector or elsewhere, please post it in the comment section and let’s get a debate going!

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 733025.
This content reflects only the author's view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
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