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Working with the NoMAD and ORIC translations

Mon. 28. Jan 2019 11:28

The translations of the NoMAD and ORIC questionnaires are two of ImpleMentAll’s most significant outcomes so far. They were published here on the website a few months ago, but have you wondered how and why these translations were made? Well, you are about to learn!

First of all, the NoMAD and ORIC questionnaires are the primary outcome measures for the IMA study, and it is important that the staff working at the IMA sites in the different countries is able to complete them. As some of the staff may not be sufficiently fluent in English to accurately answer the questions in the surveys, the two questionnaires were translated into the seven languages that the IMA trial sites speak besides English. 

If taking on a broader perspective, surveys are tools for producing knowledge and NoMAD and ORIC are merely examples of this. By making a questionnaire available in various languages, the researchers greatly extend the scope of utility for the questionnaire as not all participants in a study speak the original language that a survey was developed in. Furthermore, translating the questionnaire enables comparative research across several countries, as the utility of the questionnaire is no longer limited to native or fluent speakers of the original language.

In regards to NoMAD, the researchers behind the Normalisation Process Theory website (NPT) have received enquiries from other researchers from around the world about gaining access to the questionnaire in their native language. Now, through IMA, these enquiries can be answered positively and the researchers can be provided with a translated version. Actually, the researchers have already shared the French and Dutch translations upon requests.

Turning to the process of translating the NoMAD and ORIC questionnaires, a small team consisting of Leah Buhrmann and Christiaan Vis, with input from Tracy Finch, worked with partners in each trial site using a standard translation process. From each trial site, two native speakers with high proficiencies in English translated the survey items into the native language of that site. Next, a third translator, who was an English native speaker and had a high proficiency in the language of the trial site, created a ‘back-translation’ where s/he translated the questionnaire back to English. Then, the two English versions were compared and any variations were analysed to make sure that the translation kept the intended meaning of the items. Sometimes, the process was repeated until a satisfactory result was reached.

Thus, the seven translations made within the framework of IMA are expected to bring great value to the project as well as to the implementation society in general. If you have any questions about the translation process, please write them below!

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 733025.
This content reflects only the author's view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
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