Advisory Board
An external Advisory Board has been established to support the ImpleMentAll project. The purpose of the ImpleMentAll external advisory board (EAB) is to seek regular external advice on relevant issues. The objectives of the EAB are:
- To provide independent, expert advice to ensure that the project will develop in accordance to the appropriate legal, ethical, and social issues, general philosophy and direction of the project.
- To advise on corrective measures in the content of the work.
- To advise on the dissemination and exploitation of the projects results.
The EAB has been formed based on a stakeholder analysis identifying all relevant stakeholders on national and international levels, linked to the project partners and independent alike (reported in D6.1). ImpleMentAll has chosen to have one Advisory Board comprising all stakeholders to allow the different stakeholder groups to interact and develop advice together. If needed and relevant, working groups focusing on specific topics will be created.
The representatives of the EAB have different expert areas including; Implementation, eHealth, psychiatry/psychology, consumer and patient groups, healthcare management, research, policy making, and IT.
The Advisory Board is run by
Mette Maria Skjøth, RSD, Project Manager, PhD, Leader of WP6
Camilla Stryhn, RSD, responsible for coordinating activities around the board.
Members of the Advisory Board
Bianca Albers
Bianca Albers is Chair of European Implementation Collaborative and Director of Centre for Evidence and Implementation. Bianca participates in the ImpleMentAll project as the chair for the European Implementation Collaborative (EIC), a network that engages a broad range of individual and organisational stakeholders in the field of implementation. The EIC builds links and exchanges knowledge about implementation science and practice within Europe and provides an infrastructure for projects such as ImpleMentAll.
Bruce Whitear
Bruce Whitear MSc BN(Hons) HND is a highly experienced strategy and change professional with over 30 years of experience working with the NHS in the UK. Bruce Whitear held Director level positions in two NHS organisations in Wales with experience of working at Board level and of working across the interface of local public services, Welsh Assembly Government and other key stakeholders in the planning and delivery of change in health and healthcare services.
Clayton Hamilton
Clayton Hamilton leads the eHealth and Innovation portfolio of the WHO European Region, providing support and strategic guidance to eHealth development and capacity building initiatives as a component of Health Information management in the region’s 53 Member States. With a background in ICT development and business management within WHO that spans a 15 year period, Mr. Hamilton works on broadening the awareness and benefit of strategic implementation of eHealth in Europe, linking with major international partners to build capacity in low-middle income countries and as a contributor to major national eHealth strategy development initiatives.
Chris Wright
Chris Wright works as Service Development Manager (Mental Health), SCTT, NHS 24
Chris has been working in the NHS in Scotland for over 13 years focusing on the implementation, design, and development of unique services and systems. In the past 13 years Chris has been responsible for a number of initiatives and key development in the field of mental health in Scotland as well as the development of a technology-based step care model focused on treating those suffering from mild to moderate symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and stress.
David C Mohr
Professor David C. Mohr, Ph.D. is Professor of Preventive Medicine in the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, with appointments in Departments of Preventive Medicine, Psychiatry, and Medical Social Sciences. He is the founder and Director of Northwestern University’s Center for Behavioral Intervention Technologies (CBITs;, which has become one of the leading centers for research in technology and mental health in the United States, supporting more than 65 funded projects on 4 continents.
Dean L Fixsen
Dean L. Fixsen, Ph.D. is a Senior Scientist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Co-Founder of the National Implementation Research Network; Co-Founder of the Global Implementation Initiative; Research Professor and member of the WHO Collaborating Center for Research Evidence for Sexual and Reproductive Health; Adjunct Professor in the Eshelman School of Pharmacy; and a member of the founding Board of Editors of the journal Implementation Science.
Elizabeth Murray
Professor Elizabeth Murray is a General Practitioner and Professor of eHealth and Primary Care, Head of Research Department of Primary Care and Population Health, University College London, as well as Co-Director, eHealth Unit, University College London. She has substantial experience in developing, evaluating, and implementing digital health interventions focusing on health promotion (e.g. sexual health for young people), behaviour change (e.g. reduction in alcohol consumption for hazardous or harmful drinkers), self-management of long term conditions (e.g. for type 2 diabetes mellitus), and mental health (e.g. family support for people with first episode psychosis).
Genc Burazeri
Prof. Dr. Genc Burazeri is full-time lecturer at Faculty of Medicine, Tirana Medical University and Deputy Director, Institute of Public Health, Tirana, Albania. Genc has since 1998 been Lecturer of Epidemiology and Research Methods at Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Tirana. He has also, since 2011 been deputy director of the national Institute of Public Health in Albania. From 2011-ongoing, Visiting Lecturer at Maastricht University, The Netherlands. Genc’s main expertise is in Epidemiology and Quantitative Research Methodology. He is involved in several major research projects and published many original research articles in international scientific journals with high impact factor.
Hobbe Jan Hiemstra
Hobbe Jan Hiemstra is Managing Director of E-Mence, International e-Mental Health Innovation and Implementation Center. Hobbe Jan is responsible for innovative e-health projects and service organisations for implementation and scaling up of e-health. Furthermore, he has more than 20 years of experience with ICT projects.
John Crawford
John is an independent consultant based in the UK, with significant experience of the practical application of digital health in Europe and North America.
With over 37 years of service to IBM, culminating in his role as Healthcare Industry Leader for Europe, he brings a wealth of knowledge and insight. He is also a past member of the IBM Industry Academy, a community of the IBM’s most eminent and innovative industry visionaries.
He is past President (2015-2018) of the European Health Telematics Association (EHTEL), a multi-stakeholder membership organisation dedicated to the promotion of Digital Health and new models of care, and he served as a director on the Global Board of HIMSS (2016-2018).
Levente Kriston
Levente Kriston, PhD is the head of the Research Group ‘Research Design and Data Analysis’ of the Department of Medical Psychology at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, his major area of expertise comprises a wide range of quantitative research methods and statistical data analysis techniques. As a trained psychologist, he has background knowledge on cognitive behavioural therapy. Levente is used to attempting to find an ideal trade-off between scientific rigor and realistic conditions in complex health care environments.
Mark Bloemendaal
Mark Bloemendaal, MSc & MBA, is Founder of ImplementationIQ and SmartRollout.
In January 2012, Mark completed the minor education Medicine for Engineering of the Medical Delta cum laude. This training, combined with his TU Delft degree, enables Mark to bridge the gap between innovations and their implementation in healthcare practice.
Markus Moessner
Dr. Phil. Markus Moessner is currently working in Center for Psychotherapy Research (FOST).
Markus Moessner’s work and research is about: E-Health, Health Services research, Cost-effectiveness, Ecological Momentary Assessment, and Network analysis.
Nick Titov
Nick Titov is a Professor in the Department of Psychology, Macquarie University. Nick is founding Project Director of the MindSpot Clinic, a national Australian digital/virtual mental health service for adults with anxiety and depression. MindSpot launched in 2013 and provides education, screening assessments, and online psychological interventions to 20,000 Australian adults each year.
Nick is also founding Project Director of PORTS (Practitioner Online Referral and Treatment Service). PORTS provides tailored virtual mental health services across Western Australia, for GPs and their patients, targeting people with anxiety, depression, or substance use problems.
Ricardo Gusmao
Dr. Ricardo Gusmao mainly focuses on the progress of depression and suicide prevention in Portugal and elsewhere. This is his main aim and global mental health is his framework. Ricardo is currently involved in developing large scale programs for the promotion and prevention of depression and suicide in communities, workplaces, schools, and primary care.
Vicente Traver SalcedoVicente Traver Salcedo is the Director of the Technologies for Health & Wellbeing group (SABIEN) at the ITACA Institute. Universitat Politécnica de València
Vicente Traver Salcedo has been working with EU and national projects from 1998 until now, dealing with citizens, health, and wellbeing.
Yammie Fishel
Yammie Fishel is the newest member of the Extenal Advisory Board. As an ex-patient, Yammie is an 'expert by experience' representing the patient group of ImpleMentAll. Yammie has been in and out of psychiatric hospitals for years, but has now recovered and graduated as an "Expert in the Mental Health Care" from the Thomas More University in Antwerp. Having the goal of creating a warm, loving house run by 'experts by experience', Yammie brings, not only experience, but also drive to the External Advisory Board.