About the project
In recent decades, large amounts of time and money have been put into the development, testing, and implementation of eHealth for a wide range of health problems, in the physical as well as the mental domains. Nevertheless, very few eHealth interventions make it into routine care, and those that do take many years to get there.
ImpleMentAll (nickname IMA) aims to provide an evidence-based answer to this problem through the development, application, and evaluation of tailored implementation strategies in a natural laboratory of on-going eHealth implementation initiatives in the EU and beyond.
The project builds its research on experiences and results from former international projects (e.g. Renewing Health, E-COMPARED, and MasterMind) as well as a theoretical foundation mainly consisting of NPT, NoMAD, and MAST.
The on-going implementation initiatives forming the basis for the implementation research are all based on the same case study intervention: Internet-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (iCBT). Currently, various iCBT implementation processes are conducted across the world and ImpleMentAll will use this natural laboratory to develop, test, and evaluate a toolkit for tailored implementation strategies expected to make implementation trajectories more efficient for eHealth and eMental health alike. You can read about the iCBT interventions to be (further) implemented under the partner pages belonging to the individual implementation sites. Please note that the ItFits-toolkit is currently being validated in a randomised stepped-wedge trial and therefore not yet publicly available.
The objectives for ImpleMentAll are:
- To develop a generic Integrated Theory-based Framework for Intervention Tailoring Strategies (the ItFits-toolkit) for data-driven tailored implementation of evidence-based eHealth services.
- To demonstrate the impact of the ItFits-toolkit on the implementation of eHealth for common mental disorders (iCBT) in 8 European countries (2 of which are Low and Middle Income Countries), and Australia.
- To disseminate the validated toolkit in various healthcare contexts across Europe.
ImpleMentAll is a true multidisciplinary, international collaboration that unites key experts in clinical practice, health, innovation, clinical research, and implementation science. The project consortium has been built with the aim of improving eHealth implementation in not only prosperous nations but all nations regardless of their economic status.
ImpleMentAll will run for 51 months starting in January 2017. The project is co-funded under call SC1-PM-21-2016 of Horizon 2020 with approx. €6 m.
An additional approx. €1.1 m Euros are contributed by the Australian partners.
Click here for a short downloadable description of the project and here for our official leaflet.
Scientific Steering Committee
An internal Scientific Steering Committee has been appointed with the role of overseeing the scientific work in the project, facilitating and supporting the Scientific Coordinator, and securing and monitoring the scientific steps taken in the daily operation of the project.
The Scientific Steering Committee is currently composed of Prof. dr. Heleen Riper (chair), Prof. dr. Carl May, Prof. dr. Helen Christensen, Prof. dr. Marion Leboyer, Prof. dr. Ulrich Hegerl, Prof. dr. Jan Smit, Associate Prof. Kristian Kidholm, dr. David Ebert and mr. Claus Duedal Pedersen (as observer).