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1st Conference of the Swiss Implementation Network (IMPACT)

Thu. 21. Jan 2021 - Fri. 22. Jan 2021

The 1st IMPACT conference consists of two parts: 

In the late afternoon of January 21, we will celebrate the official start of the Swiss Implementation Science Network with a keynote lecture by Prof. Dr. Michel Wensing, chief editor of the journal ‘Implementation Science’ (University of Heidelberg, Germany). 

On January 22, we organize an Implementation Science Masterclass with contributions from international implementation science experts, Dr. Cynthia Vinson (National Cancer Institute, USA), Prof. Dr. Leah Zullig (Duke University, USA), Prof. Dr. Byron Powell (Washington University, St. Louis, USA) and Prof. Dr. Michel Wensing. The Masterclass provides a mix of theoretical lectures, practical examples of Swiss implementation science projects and roundtable discussions. 


In Switzerland, this is an exciting time of growth in our national understanding and focus on implementation science. As evidence of this growing emphasis on implementation science, a number of implementation science projects are now funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation in the NFP74 research program and other competitive funding agencies. It is time to further strengthen and develop the capacity for implementation science in Switzerland.


The goals of the Swiss Implementation Science Network (IMPACT) launched in December 2019 are to:   

(1)  Showcase implementation science projects in health care conducted by Swiss health care researchers and institutions; 

(2)  Provide networking opportunities for implementation science researchers and other interested stakeholders in Switzerland; 

(3)  Provide training opportunities for implementation science; and 

(4)  Leverage funding options for implementation science in Switzerland.


Learn more here.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 733025.
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