

The ImpleMentAll consortium is made up of 16 partners from Europe and Australia. Below you can see a list of all the partners contributing to this project. Click on a partner to read more about them and find their contact information.

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Azienda Sanitaria Locale Torino 3 (ASL TO3) - Italy

Partner description

The Azienda Sanitaria Locale Torino 3 (ASL TO3 hereinafter) is one of the 13 public health territorial agencies located in Piedmont, a North-West region of Italy with 4,500,000 inhabitants. ASL TO3 manages public health services for a 600,000 people catchment area. Public Health Agencies like ASL TO3 are organised in specialist departments. Among these, the Mental Health Department manages and treats all psychiatric outpatient and inpatient facilities. ASL TO3 Mental Health Department (DSM hereinafter) includes 11 outpatients facilities, three inpatients psychiatric emergency hospital wards, two daily treatment centres, and many residential facilities (supported houses) where more than 200 patients are living for long periods in small groups (4/5 people each).

Since 2015, the DSM has been considered intercompany because it includes San Luigi Gonzaga University Hospital Agency as well. Overall, DSM of ASL TO3 treats about 9,000 cases per year. They receive about 3,000 new cases every year, with an estimated proportion of depressive disorders of around 20%. Over the years, a specific pathway has been developed for the assessment and treatment of people suffering from depression. This pathway encompasses an assessment stage of the patients in the Mental Health Outpatient Services and, when appropriate, this is followed by referral to a therapeutic treatment of low, medium, or high intensity, depending on the clinical needs of the patients (psychotherapeutic and/or pharmacological).

Inpatients can be treated in three wards in general hospitals (with 15 beds each for psychiatric emergencies, and an average length of stay of around 12 days), or in two private accredited neuropsychiatric facilities (with 120 beds in total, and an average length of stay of around 36 days). However, it is currently difficult to provide adequate therapeutic treatment to such a large number of patients only with traditional approaches (e.g. “face-to-face” psychotherapy), especially as the number of patients with depressive disorders will increase significantly in the next decades (World Health Organization, 2001).

Service description

During the MasterMind European project (2014-2017), ASL TO3 has introduced the use of a cCBT service for treating depression in 160 patients, and has fostered the use of video-conference system for clinical monitoring of patients’ status. During ImpleMentAll (IMA), these services will be provided as one of the usual treatments in the outpatients facilities. To follow this purpose the e-medicine skilled psychologists of the IMA team will work as a part of multiprofessional outpatient psychiatric teams.


All employees

Antonella Sapei
Position: Administration and financial Controller for ASLTO3
Email: asapei@aslto3.piemonte.it

M.Sc. in Political Sciences - Sociology. Currently she is in charge of the Service ”Planning and Management Control” in ASL TO3. Previous experience in ASL TO3: Accounting Office – Hygiene and Public Health Service; experience in accounting of regional and national funding assigned to ASL TO3; Regional coordination of the project Social Accountability (2008-2010) at ARESS (Regional Health Services Agency – Piedmont Region).

Arianna Signorino
Position: Psychologist
Email: arianna.signorino@tiscali.it
Previous experience in a multicenter project (European Depression EMDR Network) investigating EMDR treatment in recurrent depression, and in the EU project MasterMind.
Enrico Zanalda
Position: Implementation Lead. Scientific Supervisor of the ASLTO3 Site
Email: ezanalda@aslto3.piemonte.it

Psychiatrist, MD. He is the Director of Mental Health inter-Department of ASLTO3 and San Luigi Gonzaga University Hospital; he is in charge of sanitary management and coordination of clinical projects and mental health services for the public health system in ASLTO3 territory. Expert of the board of the Health Regional Council (Piedmont) for Mental Health. He was the Scientific Supervisor of the Piedmont Pilot Site ASLTO3 in MasterMind. Since 2018 he is the President of the Italian Society of Psychiatry (SIP).

Maria Luisa Perucchini
Position: Psychologist
Email: luisa.perucchini@libero.it
Experience in scientific research. Collaboration in a multicenter project (European Depression EMDR Network) investigating EMDR treatment in recurrent depression. Experience in MasterMind project - MAnagement of mental health diSorders Through advancEd technology and seRvices – telehealth for the MIND.
Ylenia Sacco
Position: Implementation Lead of ASLTO3 Site. Project and Research Manager
Email: ysacco@aslto3.piemonte.it

M.Sc. in International Sciences and Diplomatics (2000), Policy and Health Economics (2015). Educated in EU Project Management (2008). She was the Project Manager of the Piedmont Pilot Site in MasterMind. More than 10 years experience in management and coordination of EU-funded projects focused on eHealth, public health and ICT solutions for health Data and services management, e.g. MasterMind, Empowering Hospital, OPSa, Picture etc. From 2017 Head of Innovation and Research of the Italian League against Cancer (LILT). From 2012 she is member of the B3 AG “integrated Care” of EIP on AHA.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 733025.
This content reflects only the author's view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
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